Image : Endocrine Systems of Male and Female Human body credit-NCERT
Control and Coordination in animals are performed by the activities of different types of chemical substances. These chemical substances are known as Animal Hormones.
Animal Hormones are specific compounds that act as chemical messengers and that are synthesized in specific glands called as Endocrine Glands.
The endocrine glands are ductless glands that push their hormones into the blood stream without the help of any duct or tube to influence metabolism and body functions.
A hormone is secreted by one tissue, travels by way of fluid usually through the blood stream, interacts with cells or a variety of target tissues in the body, and delivers a message.
What are animal hormones? Control and coordination in animals are done by the activities of different types of chemical substances that act as chemical messengers. These chemical substances are called as Hormones.
Characteristics of Animal Hormones
The animal hormones have following specific characteristics –
(i) Animal hormones are secreted by endocrine glands which are also called as ductless glands.
(ii) Animal hormones are directly released into blood.
(iii) Animal hormones are synthesized in a very small quantity but still their smallest quantity can bring about major changes in our bodies.
(iv) Animal hormones are chemical compound can affect a distant organ from their place of synthesis and secretion.
(v) Animal hormones are transported through blood.
Endocrine Glands of the Human Body
The major endocrine glands of the Endocrine System found in the human beings include-Pineal gland, Pituitary Gland, Islets of Langerhans, Ovaries, Testes,Thyroid gland, Parathyroid gland, Adrenal gland and Thymus gland.
Feature Image NCERT