Successions and Systems Resilience
The process through which the structure of a biological community evolves over time is called as Ecological Succession. There are two different tyRead More…
The process through which the structure of a biological community evolves over time is called as Ecological Succession. There are two different tyRead More…
Onion is a bulb. It is a vegetable which is most widely cultivated species. Its genus is Allium. This genus contains several other species also. ORead More…
Sugar apple or Sharifa is the fruit of taxonomically known tree Annona squamosa. It is native to tropical climate in the Americas and West Indies. Read More…
Nerium oleander is commonly known as Oleander or Nerium. It is a shrub cultivated in sub-tropical and temperate areas as ornamental or landscaping plRead More…
Peperomia pellucida is commonly known as shining bush plant and Pepper elder. It commonly grows in the wild in moist shady places. In Jharkhand it isRead More…