Questions on Pollution
Tick (P) the correct option 1. The condition of mixing unnatural and harmful substances in our natural resources is called – (Read More…
Tick (P) the correct option 1. The condition of mixing unnatural and harmful substances in our natural resources is called – (Read More…
1.Chlorophyll is the chemical compound of- (1).iron  Read More…
I. MULTIPLE CHOICE TYPE QUESTIONS (MCQ) Tick the correct option 1. DPSIR or “drivers, pressures, state, impact, response” framework for envRead More…
Why are some substances biodegradable and some substances non-biodegradable? Ans. Specific enzymes are needed for degradation of substances. A sRead More…
1. Trait-A exists in 10% of a population of an asexually reproducing species and trait-B in 60%of the same population. Which trait is likely toRead More…
1. What is the importance of DNA copying in reproduction? Ans. (i) DNA copying is important for causing variations. &nbRead More…