Fair Play : For the Quality of Life and Wellbeing

Enviromental Education For JTET/CTET Health

Feature Image : tokyo2020.org Fair Play

The attitude which manifests by excellent behaviour of players is called as Fair Play.

Fair Play incorporates some important and essential values like Respect for others, sense of Friendship, Team spirit, fair competition with companions, and sport without taking any medication, respect for written and unwritten rules, Equality, Integrity, Solidarity, Tolerance, Care, and Joy. These are the values considered to be the building blocks of a fair play.

Whenever players or sports persons act in the spirit of fair play they contribute to building a peaceful and better play environment.

According to the code of Sports Ethics, Council of Europe– “Fair play is a positive concept; Sport is a social and cultural activity which, if practiced fairly, enriches society and the friendship between nations”.

Sport is also recognized as an individual activity which if played fairly, can offer many things like – the opportunity for self-knowledge, self-expression and fulfillment; personal achievement, skill acquisition and demonstration of ability; social interaction, enjoyment, good health and well-being.

Sport can promote involvement and responsibility in society with its wide range of sports- clubs and leaders who work voluntarily. In addition to these, involvement in some activities with responsibility can help to promote sensitivity to the sports – environment.

In games, playing without written rules is mandatory for every athlete. Respecting the unwritten rules is a must for everyone. “A fair play requires unconditional respect for opponents, fellow players, referees and even for fans”.

There should be a sense of friendliness in the sports environment. Rivalry or competition in the play ground does not exclude friendship. Rather, it is said that “friendship could grow from noble rivalries”.

Any athlete may be strong on his own but when he joins a team he becomes stronger. This is due to the spirit of the team or the team -spirit which is one of the several building blocks of a fair play.

If someone achieves victory on his own, he has sweet experience. But when he shares his victory with his team friends the experience becomes even sweeter. This is why playing with a team spirit is considered to be a compulsory element of fair play.

To enjoy the fruits of success, just to win is not enough. In a fair play the competition must be fair and victory must be scored by fair means and by absolutely honest and just play.

It is reported frequently that many players have cheated in games through taking drugs. This unfair practice is called as doping. It has no place in a fair play as someone who takes drugs cheats in the game and ruins its spirit. Such a person cannot be played with.

In order to measure the performance of teams, there should be competition on equal terms. This is called as “equity in sports” which is essential for a fair play.

On the other hand, being strong and having strong moral principles are essential components of a fair play. Practicing sport within a sound ethical framework is very important if someone aims to be a perfect champion.

Sharing each one’s feelings, aims and dreams is always important to support each other. Supporting each other brings mutual success both in the field and outside the field. Players that participate in a game must have tolerance as important merit.

A true champion always cares for others because he knows that he could not have been a champion without care of others. The father of the modern Olympic Games Baron Pierre de Coubertin has said: The important thing in life is not the triumph, but the fight; the essential thing is not to have won, but to have fought well. Competition can be severe but one should always first look for joy when practicing any sport. He should never forget about the play even in the “heat of the fight”. 

The order of our society is always at risk if there is no fairness and trust.

 If someone does not obey the rules of the games he ruins its true spirit. The rule breakers can never play with others.

In both the life and sports, fair play is the key to successful involvement, and also to the promotion and development. Fair play teaches people tolerance and respect for others. Fair play calls us to unite into a society and to create a sense of team work.

Fair play in games and sports offers players the hope, honor and identity. air play unites people where there are many divisions on the levels of culture, politics, religion, and yes- the nationalities.

There should be cooperation in the spirit of the fair play. It gives good results in all walks of life than sportsmanship. It is important for improving quality of life and human wellbeing.

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