Ladies working as labourers

Dignity of Labour and Social Values

Enviromental Education For JTET/CTET

Dignity of labour means – all jobs are equal and no job should be considered as big or small.

All types of jobs demand equal respect, and each job has its own dignity. If a person earns his living by a job, then the job and the person both deserve respect.

Each one of us should respect our work. While working we should try our best and we should put all our efforts for the best results. Everyone should do his work sincerely and honestly.

A person should not look down to the job of other person. Persons offering domestic help, working as Labourers, sweeper are mason deserve equal respect as human being.

Women carrying loads of soil
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If a person does some job which is coherent to his abilities and qualification he should not say that the job is below than his level or standard.  Instead he should give it his hundred percent.

We all should try to make everyone aware that all types of works deserve respect as all of them are essential. Nobody should disregard any profession. There is no disgrace or shame in doing any type of job if it is coherent to the ability of the person. It should be done with dignity and honor.

Labour as Social Value

Social values are certain qualities and beliefs that are shared within a specific culture or group of people.

These traits can be religious, economic, and political; etc. Our values represent strong guiding force which shapes our attitudes and behavior.

Our values influence our career choices as well. People select their work to earn their living and this selection is very much based on the values that remain inside them. In all the cases people should select works with social values up to greater extent so as to build a humane society free of all evils. Social values are concerned with how we relate to society.

Social values comprise justice, freedom, respect, fraternity and responsibility. In modern times it appears that our society does not practice many values. There are discriminations, power abuses, greed etc.

Social values also include empathy, respect, love, loyalty, honesty etc. Values are contagious. Our values are transmitted to our children and relatives as well. If our lives have values our offspring too will have those values, and the world will become a good place to live.

Labour and Social Values should go hand in hand. Labour must be respected. If someone is on a high post he should not insult or exploit others on non-similar post.

There may be grades and those are based on abilities and qualifications. After all each one is a human being and he deserves respect and other things as per the constitutional provisions which must be obeyed by society as well.

dignity, labour, respect, social, values

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