homoeopathis medicines

Talking About the World Homoeopathy Day


The Homoeopathic System of Medical Care is based on equality. Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann created the pseudoscientific System of Alternative Medicine called Homoeopathy in 1796. He was born on 10th April 1755 in Meissen, Germany and died on 2nd July 1843 in Paris, France.

Dr. Hahnemann had declared that homoeopathy can treat all those diseases that Homoeopathy can create. During the onset of the corona period the Homoeopathic medicines played important roles in enhancing immunity of the people in India. Arsenicum album 30 was distributed among people of Jharkhand by the Government itself on a mass scale to enhance the immunity of the people against corona virus.

The World Homoeopathy Day is celebrated on 10th of April every year to mark the birth day of Dr. Hahnemann, the father of Homoeopathy.

The Doctors of Homoeopathy prescribe medicines on the basis of symptoms and feelings of patients as revealed by them. The similarities between the symptoms, as revealed by a patient; and the observations of the doctor determine the extent of treatment. A patient has to have courage during the treatment of complex diseases because in that case the treatment has to last for longer period.

Homoeopathy treats complex diseases and stops their recurrences. People have faith on this system of treatment because homoeopathic medicines usually do not cause side effects (?).

The homoeopathic practitioners report that in current times such homoeopathic medicines have been developed that if started in time there is no need of surgery for some diseases. It is an old history that homoeopathy cures even the problem of stones. Some medicines have been reported to be successful in cases of kidney diseases as well.

Recently, the homoeopathy has passed through big changes. It has gained the faith of the public. So far there were only two big shops of Homoeopathic medicines in Ranchi. But it is during the corona period itself that more than six big shops have been opened in all parts of the city. All of these shops attract fairly good crown during most parts of the day.

Now, the homoeopathy is treating cold allergy, skin allergy, arthritis, thyroid, sciatica, piles, sinuses, migraines, mouth ulcers, sterility problems, kidney diseases, epilepsy, eye problems, and female genital problems etc.

In homoeopathy, a single doctor can treat all the diseases. Today, homoeopathy is the system of treatment which is adapted after allopathy. When patients become hopeless from other systems of treatment, they finally go in the shelter of homoeopathy. Asthma, a disease which is almost incurable by allopathy is permanently cured by homoeopathy. You can get treatment of any disease in homoeopathy without any side effect.

An expert in homoeopathy reveals that the faith of the public has increased in homoeopathy during recent years. The Homoeopathic medicines have helped a lot during the ongoing corona period. Governments too, have shown their faith on homoeopathy. In Jharkhand the state Government has started working on Homoeopathy with the central Ministry of Ayush.

According to a homoeopathic practitioner, homoeopathic medicines remove diseases permanently. Even serious diseases can be treated through homoeopathy. These medicines increase disease resistance in the body. New researches are on in Homoeopathic disciplines across the world.

World Homoeopathy Day, Homoeopathy, allopathy, Jharkhand Government

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